Easily update industry credentials in StudentInformation

Did you know . . . ?

The Industry Credential Update screen in StudentInformation lets you add industry credential records for multiple students. You can easily filter for groups of students by applying a course, teacher, homeroom and even ad hoc membership filters on one screen! All students are included in the search results by default so you can seamlessly proceed to add industry credential records for them.

For selected students, you can add an Industry Credential, the Test Date, and whether the students passed or failed. If there are date or pass/fail exceptions for any students, you can edit the information for each student in the search results. Rest easy knowing that you can add the new records immediately and review them on each student’s CTE Industry Credential screen.

Want to know more? Watch this tutorial video with the details!

Feature Friday: ProgressBook Guru

ProgressBook has its very own community forum site: Guru! When you’re signed into Guru, you can share your ideas, answer inquiries, and pose your own questions.

Feature Friday: YouTube Channel

ProgressBook Feature Friday is back, and we’re kicking off the new school year by highlighting our very own YouTube channel! Our short, helpful videos cover it all, including tutorials on how to use the latest and greatest features in all of our applications.

Feature Friday: Electronic Signatures

With the SpecialServices Electronic Signatures feature, you can sign special education forms directly in SpecialServices!

Feature Friday: GradPoints

With StudentInformation’s Graduation Points, you can monitor a student’s progress toward Ohio’s graduation pathways based on the data already loaded into the system!

Feature Friday: Student Roadmap

With DataMap’s Student Roadmap, you can view all essential student demographic, attendance, and assessment data on one screen!

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