Class Information in ParentAccess

The Class Information screen in ParentAccess is the portal for students and parents to access information about students’ classes. But really, it’s so much more than that.
On the main Class Information screen, students and parents will find a list of all of the classes for the student in context. The teacher name, email address, and room location are listed below each class name header.
And teachers, you can customize your Class Information pages (via GradeBook) by adding a unique class name, including information about what your class entails, uploading images, and including links and attachments you want your students to access. The page can also be associated with multiple classes, so you don’t have to worry about typing all of the same information multiple times.
Click here to learn more about how the Class Information screen is just one more tool ProgressBook offers to help you quickly and easily communicate with students and parents.

Feature Friday: ProgressBook Guru

ProgressBook has its very own community forum site: Guru! When you’re signed into Guru, you can share your ideas, answer inquiries, and pose your own questions.

Feature Friday: YouTube Channel

ProgressBook Feature Friday is back, and we’re kicking off the new school year by highlighting our very own YouTube channel! Our short, helpful videos cover it all, including tutorials on how to use the latest and greatest features in all of our applications.

Feature Friday: Electronic Signatures

With the SpecialServices Electronic Signatures feature, you can sign special education forms directly in SpecialServices!

Feature Friday: GradPoints

With StudentInformation’s Graduation Points, you can monitor a student’s progress toward Ohio’s graduation pathways based on the data already loaded into the system!

Feature Friday: Student Roadmap

With DataMap’s Student Roadmap, you can view all essential student demographic, attendance, and assessment data on one screen!

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