2019 Suite Retreat Presenter Details


Please be sure to register if you haven’t done so already. Likewise, if you have a co-presenter, please make sure they are registered as well. Also, please email me their names so that I can keep an eye out for their registrations.

Presentation Form

It is extremely helpful to have the presenter forms filled out, so please complete yours if you have not as of yet, and again, please be sure your co-presenter fills one out as well. The form can be found here.

Site Acess

If you need access to the demo site, please send me an email and I will get you what you need.

Personal Bio Link

You will receive and email from our mobile app with a link for you to update your profile in the Whova app. Keep your eyes peeled on your inbox.

The PB staff has been working hard on putting together their own presentations for the retreat. We’ve had some really good questions on what entails a “great presentation,” and so we thought we’d share with you a few of the resources we’re using in case you might find them useful too.

So, if you’d like, check out the links for the article and video below. There’s even a link to quiz where you can evaluate your presentation skills. I won’t share with you what I scored, but I can tell you that the video ended up being a helpful tool.

Presentations tips from the experts:

Article: 20 World-Class Presentation Experts Share Their Top Tips

Video: Powerful Presentations

Evaluate your skills: How Good Are Your Presentation Skills?

A few reminders:

  • Be sure to register soon, and if you know someone who is attending, let them know the price increases as of February 15th. Click HERE to access the registration site.
  • If you or someone you know needs to book a hotel room, click HERE.
  • If you have a laptop, please bring it to run your presentation. If you need one from us, please let me know.
  • If you will be using videos during your presentation and need speakers, please let me know.

Thank you again for everything you have done for the retreat!