VirtualClassroom enables learning outside the classroom
Did you know . . . ?
With the recent developments regarding COVID-19, we wanted to make sure you are aware of the resources available to you within ProgressBook that enable remote learning.
VirtualClassroom, available within GradeBook, allows you to deliver classroom content in a virtual setting. We have a series of videos available to help you quickly implement the VirtualClassroom tool.
Your district users can create their own content and share that content districtwide. Peer-to-peer sharing is also available through the collaboration feature—teachers can choose to create or share content with specific individuals. Additionally, through our partnership with JCESC, your district can purchase ready-made content designed in Ohio specifically to work within VirtualClassroom.
More information about JCESC content can be found on their website.
Frontline and ProgressBook will facilitate districts and/or teachers sharing digital course content, however Frontline does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the content.